Sunday, September 6, 2009

Knucklehead: Tall Tales & Mostly True Stories About Growing Up Sciesczka by Jon Scieszka

Jon Scieszka, author of The Stinky Cheese Man and many other great books for kids, grew up in Flint, Michigan in a family of six boys in the 1960s. "We didn't have any sisters. Even our dogs and cats and fish were boys." After reading about the zillions of goofy - and sometimes dangerous - stunts that Jon and his brothers cooked up, I'm grateful that I grew up with three sisters and that my brother was the youngest in the family. I could definitely identify, however, with his experiences of being taught by nuns in Catholic school and being part of a large family - including crowded car travel that generated a lasting Scieszka family phrase: "stop breathing my air." Scieszka has an entertaining way with anecdotes and children in Grade 4 and up will love this. It would work well as a read-aloud too.

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