Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Red Sings from Treetops by Joyce Sidman and Pamela Zagarenski

"In SPRING, / Red sings / from treetops: / cheer-cheer-cheer, / each note dropping / like a cherry / into my ear." Joyce Sidman celebrates the seasons in poetry, playfully using colours to represent objects as well as describe them: "Orange ripens in / full, heavy moons, / thick with pulp and seed. / Orange flickers, / all smoke and candles. / Orange eyes. / Orange cheeks. / Orange teeth." Each time a colour is mentioned in the text, it is printed in that colour. Pamela Zagarenski's quirky mixed-media artwork is a good match for the poetry; the overall effect is of joyous whimsy. I especially like the crowns worn by humans, animals and birds. Pre-school to Grade 3.

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